Friday, April 10, 2009

Part 4- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success

"To succeed you need to model yourself after someone who has been successful."

Depending on the level and type of "Success" you want, in trying to become like someone else, we cast aside that which makes us most valuable. You'll find that those who are experiencing "True Success" are just being themselves. They're "Real". The decision to trust my instincts and just "be myself" was one of the hardest things I've ever done. There are so many people out there reminding us of how we should be "acting" if we want "success". But the results I've now experienced from just "being me", makes life and success much easier.

To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to:

or Click Here to go to Part 5

In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at:

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