Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Part 1- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success

by Steve Stay

After years of stumbling in the network marketing industry, I eventually learned a few things that turned it around for me. I assumed everyone else knew these things and that I was the only "Slow Child Playing" on the block. However, the difference between the size of the checks I was generating and those of the masses was more than I could ignore. Most had the same first class training materials. They had been taught all a person would need in regards to product, prospecting, closing, attitude, goal setting, etc. Yet most of the people didn't experience the success I did, and it wasn't that they weren't trying hard enough.

So I kept asking myself, "what exactly is it that I am doing differently?"

One day the thought occurred to me that maybe I had been asking the wrong question. That it may have nothing to do with what I had been Doing but what I was now Believing.

I started asking people some basic questions
about their Success Beliefs, beliefs that had
sabotaged my success so many times.

The problem was wide spread and picking up speed. Everywhere I looked I’d witness people getting excited as recruiters flashed big checks in front of them, telling them how, by combining a great company with a simple turn key system, they can also have checks like this showing up in their mailboxes. Add a few stories about so called "average" people, like them succeeding, and they jump in. Then about as quickly as they come in, a large majority fall out. The few that stick may make it financially worthwhile for the recruiters, but once I realized how damaging these tactics were, I could never go anywhere near recruiting that way and knowingly perpetuate this tragedy.

Are you, like the majority of people in network marketing, overwhelmed, stressed out and disappointed with your experience?

Do you ever feel like you were recruited to play basketball only to find the floor covered with ice, the hoops replaced with floor nets, instead of a ball there's a puck, and everyone else is wearing padding and gliding along on skates looking to pound you into the wall?

In this 11 Part series, I am going to share my take on what I feel are 10 Myths and Misconceptions that limit your Network Marketing Success.

Click Here to go to Part 2

In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at:

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