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Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Favorite Diseases
Anyone that has marketed nutritional supplements knows how excited some distributors get over thinking that they have the cure for all diseases. Listen and see if your favorite disease is mentioned in this classic Mike Agranoff parody. I woke up knowing I had to post this for someone special today.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Part 7- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
"Our prospects are primarily interested in making more money."
Imagine having 10,000 hundred dollar bills in your possession right now, would you exchange them for other things or hang onto them forever? If you'd exchange them, then it wasn't the money you wanted after all. It's not even what you'd exchange them for that you really want. You really want the feeling you think you'll get by having what you exchanged the money for. It's not about financial freedom, residual income, time, health, etc. It's about the way you think you will feel (emotions) with all of those things. i.e. secure, free, energetic, pleasure, meaningfulness, acceptance, etc... Start exploring “why” your prospects want what they want and how they would feel having it. You'll be amazed at what happens for both of you.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Imagine having 10,000 hundred dollar bills in your possession right now, would you exchange them for other things or hang onto them forever? If you'd exchange them, then it wasn't the money you wanted after all. It's not even what you'd exchange them for that you really want. You really want the feeling you think you'll get by having what you exchanged the money for. It's not about financial freedom, residual income, time, health, etc. It's about the way you think you will feel (emotions) with all of those things. i.e. secure, free, energetic, pleasure, meaningfulness, acceptance, etc... Start exploring “why” your prospects want what they want and how they would feel having it. You'll be amazed at what happens for both of you.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Part 6- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
"Being totally honest about yourself and the facts of your business could hurt your business."
If it does, you'd better be changing deals and/or your attitude about yourself. Anything less than "total honesty" hurts more than just your business.
Yes, people will pay a lot for B.S. the first time around.
In business you are working at building residual relationships (and therefore income) and the best way to prevent that from happening is to lie about you or your business. Sooner or later the truth will come out and when it does, watch out for the fallout.
There are generally plenty of good truthful things to be excited about with any company, and there are always plenty of good truthful things to be excited about with "you". Risk being "Real"! You'll find the end result is worth it.
If you ever wonder whether what you are feeling is real, a good way to tell is: “Can others bring you down easily”. If they can, you are most likely believing a lie.
The solution is not to leave what you're doing, but to own and embrace the emotions your current experience is creating in you. There are a multitude of techniques to help you process those emotions and in doing so, you will get to know yourself better. When you do, you'll know the right thing for "you" to do.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 7
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
If it does, you'd better be changing deals and/or your attitude about yourself. Anything less than "total honesty" hurts more than just your business.
Yes, people will pay a lot for B.S. the first time around.
In business you are working at building residual relationships (and therefore income) and the best way to prevent that from happening is to lie about you or your business. Sooner or later the truth will come out and when it does, watch out for the fallout.
There are generally plenty of good truthful things to be excited about with any company, and there are always plenty of good truthful things to be excited about with "you". Risk being "Real"! You'll find the end result is worth it.
If you ever wonder whether what you are feeling is real, a good way to tell is: “Can others bring you down easily”. If they can, you are most likely believing a lie.
The solution is not to leave what you're doing, but to own and embrace the emotions your current experience is creating in you. There are a multitude of techniques to help you process those emotions and in doing so, you will get to know yourself better. When you do, you'll know the right thing for "you" to do.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 7
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Monday, April 13, 2009
Part 5- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
"A person will fail without a positive attitude."
The key word here is "fail". I've known many people that have experienced what most would consider incredible "success" who have terribly negative attitudes. Now I believe a "negative" attitude will definitely cost you "True Success", but so will what I see being pushed as "a positive attitude" by many in business, especially in the "fake it till you make it" and "enthusiasm" categories. I'm not saying they don't work, the tragic thing is that they do, but sooner or later you come down and the price you pay for having lied to yourself and others isn't worth it. An incredible reality is that no one actually ever fails. Just because you didn't learn what someone else thought you should from an experience doesn't mean you didn't gain anything from it. To think so, is a lie. It's true that masterpieces take time.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 6
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
The key word here is "fail". I've known many people that have experienced what most would consider incredible "success" who have terribly negative attitudes. Now I believe a "negative" attitude will definitely cost you "True Success", but so will what I see being pushed as "a positive attitude" by many in business, especially in the "fake it till you make it" and "enthusiasm" categories. I'm not saying they don't work, the tragic thing is that they do, but sooner or later you come down and the price you pay for having lied to yourself and others isn't worth it. An incredible reality is that no one actually ever fails. Just because you didn't learn what someone else thought you should from an experience doesn't mean you didn't gain anything from it. To think so, is a lie. It's true that masterpieces take time.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 6
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Friday, April 10, 2009
Part 4- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
"To succeed you need to model yourself after someone who has been successful."
Depending on the level and type of "Success" you want, in trying to become like someone else, we cast aside that which makes us most valuable. You'll find that those who are experiencing "True Success" are just being themselves. They're "Real". The decision to trust my instincts and just "be myself" was one of the hardest things I've ever done. There are so many people out there reminding us of how we should be "acting" if we want "success". But the results I've now experienced from just "being me", makes life and success much easier.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 5
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Depending on the level and type of "Success" you want, in trying to become like someone else, we cast aside that which makes us most valuable. You'll find that those who are experiencing "True Success" are just being themselves. They're "Real". The decision to trust my instincts and just "be myself" was one of the hardest things I've ever done. There are so many people out there reminding us of how we should be "acting" if we want "success". But the results I've now experienced from just "being me", makes life and success much easier.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 5
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Part 3- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
"To succeed, you must believe that your business is better than all the others."
How many times have you been on a conference call or personally heard a distributor putting down other opportunities by representing their opportunity as: “the one and only”, “better than all the others”, “the last great one to come along in this lifetime”, “the one all the top leaders in the industry are flocking too”…. or participating in the war of “the old way of prospecting, that starts with making a list of 100 people” vs. “the new way of attraction marketing, where you only talk to those that contact you” ?
What a tragic attitude fostered by far too many in this industry.
One of the wisest things I learned was to run from the "ours is the one and only" zealots. My association with them was usually short lived as they ended up being the first to jump ship to the next new "one and only", attempting to drag their existing downline, even those they hadn’t personally sponsored, along.
With that said: The business is certainly much more fun to build if you feel your program is the best one for "You" based on your own individual criteria. You will find that when you Totally Accept you, you will allow others to have their own criteria regarding what's best for them… and you will be excited to help them discover their own criteria… even if it doesn’t result in them joining you in your opportunity.
Some people find they love sharing tangible products like skin care, candles or nutritionals. Others are more attracted to services like legal services, discount health care or energy. Some people like to share with family and friends and talk face to face, where other love perfecting their marketing skills through print advertising or the utilizing the internet. I know very successful networkers that love to cold call list or even go door to door.
We are all unique and I hope you will learn to enjoy, celebrate and encourage that uniqueness.
Both methods of prospecting (old and new) are alive and working very well. They are just two different but effective ways to build. Both take concentrated committed effort (over a longer period of time than just a couple of months) to mature into a successful business.
If you find yourself feeling a need to put down another person, opportunity or system, step back and take a look at yourself to discover what it is that you are really putting down about yourself.
There are an abundance of reasons to be excited about any legitimate network marketing opportunity that you should never need to put another down to make yours look good.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 4
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
How many times have you been on a conference call or personally heard a distributor putting down other opportunities by representing their opportunity as: “the one and only”, “better than all the others”, “the last great one to come along in this lifetime”, “the one all the top leaders in the industry are flocking too”…. or participating in the war of “the old way of prospecting, that starts with making a list of 100 people” vs. “the new way of attraction marketing, where you only talk to those that contact you” ?
What a tragic attitude fostered by far too many in this industry.
One of the wisest things I learned was to run from the "ours is the one and only" zealots. My association with them was usually short lived as they ended up being the first to jump ship to the next new "one and only", attempting to drag their existing downline, even those they hadn’t personally sponsored, along.
With that said: The business is certainly much more fun to build if you feel your program is the best one for "You" based on your own individual criteria. You will find that when you Totally Accept you, you will allow others to have their own criteria regarding what's best for them… and you will be excited to help them discover their own criteria… even if it doesn’t result in them joining you in your opportunity.
Some people find they love sharing tangible products like skin care, candles or nutritionals. Others are more attracted to services like legal services, discount health care or energy. Some people like to share with family and friends and talk face to face, where other love perfecting their marketing skills through print advertising or the utilizing the internet. I know very successful networkers that love to cold call list or even go door to door.
We are all unique and I hope you will learn to enjoy, celebrate and encourage that uniqueness.
Both methods of prospecting (old and new) are alive and working very well. They are just two different but effective ways to build. Both take concentrated committed effort (over a longer period of time than just a couple of months) to mature into a successful business.
If you find yourself feeling a need to put down another person, opportunity or system, step back and take a look at yourself to discover what it is that you are really putting down about yourself.
There are an abundance of reasons to be excited about any legitimate network marketing opportunity that you should never need to put another down to make yours look good.
To see this 11 Part series from its beginning go to: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/04/myths-and-misconceptions-that-limit.html
or Click Here to go to Part 4
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Friday, April 3, 2009
Part 2- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
"People fail because they picked the wrong MLM Company, Product or Pay Plan."
First off let’s deal with the words “FAIL” and “Wrong”. It’s arrogant and judgmental to even use them. There is no way for us to know what any decision will really lead to for ourselves, let alone another.
"Timing" should probably be part of the above list also. It’s a fact that some companies go under, some products end up being "snake oil", some pay plans are more difficult than others and trends can help or hurt you, but the Only reason people experience “Success” is because they are ready to.
This is an industry that will eventually teach you that it is all about finding the right "You". It is what network marketing, "The Perfect Playground" is best at and is the reason most people get nervous and run from it. They aren’t ready for that discovery yet and that’s OK. When you do find the right "You", it doesn't matter much which opportunity you choose because you'll choose the one that is right for "You".
The fact is, when you own and totally accept what's inside you, it doesn't matter what's outside you.
Click Here to go to Part 3
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
First off let’s deal with the words “FAIL” and “Wrong”. It’s arrogant and judgmental to even use them. There is no way for us to know what any decision will really lead to for ourselves, let alone another.
"Timing" should probably be part of the above list also. It’s a fact that some companies go under, some products end up being "snake oil", some pay plans are more difficult than others and trends can help or hurt you, but the Only reason people experience “Success” is because they are ready to.
This is an industry that will eventually teach you that it is all about finding the right "You". It is what network marketing, "The Perfect Playground" is best at and is the reason most people get nervous and run from it. They aren’t ready for that discovery yet and that’s OK. When you do find the right "You", it doesn't matter much which opportunity you choose because you'll choose the one that is right for "You".
The fact is, when you own and totally accept what's inside you, it doesn't matter what's outside you.
Click Here to go to Part 3
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Part 1- MLM Myths and Misconceptions that Limit Success
by Steve Stay
After years of stumbling in the network marketing industry, I eventually learned a few things that turned it around for me. I assumed everyone else knew these things and that I was the only "Slow Child Playing" on the block. However, the difference between the size of the checks I was generating and those of the masses was more than I could ignore. Most had the same first class training materials. They had been taught all a person would need in regards to product, prospecting, closing, attitude, goal setting, etc. Yet most of the people didn't experience the success I did, and it wasn't that they weren't trying hard enough.
So I kept asking myself, "what exactly is it that I am doing differently?"
One day the thought occurred to me that maybe I had been asking the wrong question. That it may have nothing to do with what I had been Doing but what I was now Believing.
The problem was wide spread and picking up speed. Everywhere I looked I’d witness people getting excited as recruiters flashed big checks in front of them, telling them how, by combining a great company with a simple turn key system, they can also have checks like this showing up in their mailboxes. Add a few stories about so called "average" people, like them succeeding, and they jump in. Then about as quickly as they come in, a large majority fall out. The few that stick may make it financially worthwhile for the recruiters, but once I realized how damaging these tactics were, I could never go anywhere near recruiting that way and knowingly perpetuate this tragedy.
Are you, like the majority of people in network marketing, overwhelmed, stressed out and disappointed with your experience?
Do you ever feel like you were recruited to play basketball only to find the floor covered with ice, the hoops replaced with floor nets, instead of a ball there's a puck, and everyone else is wearing padding and gliding along on skates looking to pound you into the wall?
In this 11 Part series, I am going to share my take on what I feel are 10 Myths and Misconceptions that limit your Network Marketing Success.
Click Here to go to Part 2
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
After years of stumbling in the network marketing industry, I eventually learned a few things that turned it around for me. I assumed everyone else knew these things and that I was the only "Slow Child Playing" on the block. However, the difference between the size of the checks I was generating and those of the masses was more than I could ignore. Most had the same first class training materials. They had been taught all a person would need in regards to product, prospecting, closing, attitude, goal setting, etc. Yet most of the people didn't experience the success I did, and it wasn't that they weren't trying hard enough.
So I kept asking myself, "what exactly is it that I am doing differently?"
One day the thought occurred to me that maybe I had been asking the wrong question. That it may have nothing to do with what I had been Doing but what I was now Believing.
I started asking people some basic questions
about their Success Beliefs, beliefs that had
sabotaged my success so many times.
about their Success Beliefs, beliefs that had
sabotaged my success so many times.
The problem was wide spread and picking up speed. Everywhere I looked I’d witness people getting excited as recruiters flashed big checks in front of them, telling them how, by combining a great company with a simple turn key system, they can also have checks like this showing up in their mailboxes. Add a few stories about so called "average" people, like them succeeding, and they jump in. Then about as quickly as they come in, a large majority fall out. The few that stick may make it financially worthwhile for the recruiters, but once I realized how damaging these tactics were, I could never go anywhere near recruiting that way and knowingly perpetuate this tragedy.
Are you, like the majority of people in network marketing, overwhelmed, stressed out and disappointed with your experience?
Do you ever feel like you were recruited to play basketball only to find the floor covered with ice, the hoops replaced with floor nets, instead of a ball there's a puck, and everyone else is wearing padding and gliding along on skates looking to pound you into the wall?
In this 11 Part series, I am going to share my take on what I feel are 10 Myths and Misconceptions that limit your Network Marketing Success.
Click Here to go to Part 2
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
All One Team - A Shift is happening in MLM, are you feeling it?

Join us on the leading edge of an amazing Heart Based Shift that is taking place in the MLM/Network Marketing Industry.
AllOneTeam is a new organization of MLM/Network Marketing professionals that are embracing and committing to the following principles:
1- Connecting too and Celebrating the diversity of individuals, companies, products, compensation plans, trainings and systems.
2- Encouraging each other and contributing to the success of our existing businesses, realizing that when one wins… we all win.
3- Contributing to the MLM/Network Marketing industry as a whole by creating the space for all of us to shift from:
- Resistance to Acceptance - Separateness to Connection
- Competition to Contribution - Contention to Cooperation
- Expectations to Encouragement - Persuasion to Influence
If any part of this resonates within you, we invite you to join us in one of our online or local All One Team communities by visiting: www.AllOneTeam.com
FaceBook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=61198176419
REMEMBER: People rarely join a MLM, Direct Sales, Relationship Marketing or Network Marketing company, They Join YOU!
Introduce yourselves in a personal way to the group, rather than just throwing out the latest business opportunity or system. Tell us if you are a Work at Home Mom, Dad , Single Parent, Full Time, Part Time, Successful, Struggling....... Tell us why you are in this industry.
Remember, when one person or company succeeds in this industry it benefits all of us.
Steve & Linda Stay
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Blood Money- Building Your MLM Business through Plasma Donation
Several months ago a new company started advertising in our small Southern Utah town of St. George. They were offering to pay up to $50 (tax free) a week for plasma donations.

My immediate thought was WOW! A couple could earn an extra $400/month or $2600/year. That is more than enough to get them started and keep them active in most any network marketing company.
Having never donated myself, I had images of a bunch of drug addicts, anxious for their next fix, congregating in some dingy room with tubes in their arms. Yet, if it could get a person started in dramatically changing their life… it would be well worth it.
I decided that before I asked anyone else to consider that as an option, I needed to do it myself for at least a month. Boy was I in for a surprise.
I asked Linda if she wanted to join me in this adventure. She was reluctant, until she talked with our son who is a nurse. He shared that plasma is desperately needed in saving the lives of the patients he cares for and is also needed to treat burn victims and those with hemophilia. Medical researchers need it to find new cures and treatments for a variety of medical conditions. He urged her to take the time to donate, regardless of the money.
The adventure started by taking the following steps:
1- Calling the donation center to make an appointment . You need to have a physical and some blood test done before you donate. The physical is free and done at the center. They do this to ensure that you don’t have any serious health issues or diseases like HIV or hepatitis. You need to be at least 18 years of age and over 110 lbs.
2- The first visit is always the longest and will last between 2-3 hours, the following just over an hour. I always plan on 1 ½ hours.
At this visit I learned that:
a. The donation center was a very clean and well lit facility, full of very friendly professional people taking and giving plasma.
b. They give an additional bonus payment for this initial visit and also give bonuses for referring others who qualify to donate. Our center gives $10 extra.
c. You have to wait at least 48 hours between visits and can donate blood plasma twice a week max. That meant I could earn a maximum of $50 a week from donating but unlimited referral fees of $10 each.
d. Certain factors can disqualify you immediately, like
- Recent illness, recent tattoo or acupuncture treatment.
- Diseases affecting the blood or immune system and certain prescription drugs, as well as illegal drugs.
- One of my referral s was disqualified because of a heart attack and another for being 75 years old.
- They ask detailed questions about your sexual activities such as: “Have you had sex for money or drugs or sex with someone that has?” or “Have you had sex with a man who has had sex with a man in the last 100 :) years?”.
3- The process was surprisingly quite painless and worthwhile in spite of my personal needle phobias. The worst part for me is getting my finger stuck for a blood sample each time. I feel good about getting my weight, blood pressure, blood iron and lipids checked twice a week for free.
4- Here are a few Tips to make your adventure as enjoyable as possible:
- It’s important to drink plenty of fluids before and after your donation. The process of removing blood plasma can dehydrate you. Drinking fluids will prevent you from getting some of the symptoms associated with dehydration like headaches, dizziness, and nausea. While the symptoms are only temporary, they are uncomfortable none the less… so stay hydrated.
- Take a book, magazine, mp3 or DVD player, cell phone or your computer to make the time pass quickly. I’m now really proficient in one hand typing. In fact, I typed this while I was hooked up donating.
- If you get cold easily, make sure to take a blanket.
- Go to the bathroom before they hook you up.
- Don’t eat anything fatty the night before you donate or your lipids will be to high.
- Don’t drink anything cold ½ hour before donating or your temperature will be too low.
- Have a fun time interacting and building friendships with the staff and other donors... you don’t want someone that is depressed or angry sticking a needle in your arm.
I hope this article motivates you to start donating weekly for whatever reason.
BTW: Not only did I make it easily through my one month commitment, I have been donating regularly since March of 2008. I actually look forward the time as I always have plenty of work to do on the computer, seminars to listen too or calls to catch up on.
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html

My immediate thought was WOW! A couple could earn an extra $400/month or $2600/year. That is more than enough to get them started and keep them active in most any network marketing company.
Having never donated myself, I had images of a bunch of drug addicts, anxious for their next fix, congregating in some dingy room with tubes in their arms. Yet, if it could get a person started in dramatically changing their life… it would be well worth it.
I decided that before I asked anyone else to consider that as an option, I needed to do it myself for at least a month. Boy was I in for a surprise.
I asked Linda if she wanted to join me in this adventure. She was reluctant, until she talked with our son who is a nurse. He shared that plasma is desperately needed in saving the lives of the patients he cares for and is also needed to treat burn victims and those with hemophilia. Medical researchers need it to find new cures and treatments for a variety of medical conditions. He urged her to take the time to donate, regardless of the money.
The adventure started by taking the following steps:
1- Calling the donation center to make an appointment . You need to have a physical and some blood test done before you donate. The physical is free and done at the center. They do this to ensure that you don’t have any serious health issues or diseases like HIV or hepatitis. You need to be at least 18 years of age and over 110 lbs.
2- The first visit is always the longest and will last between 2-3 hours, the following just over an hour. I always plan on 1 ½ hours.
At this visit I learned that:
a. The donation center was a very clean and well lit facility, full of very friendly professional people taking and giving plasma.
b. They give an additional bonus payment for this initial visit and also give bonuses for referring others who qualify to donate. Our center gives $10 extra.
c. You have to wait at least 48 hours between visits and can donate blood plasma twice a week max. That meant I could earn a maximum of $50 a week from donating but unlimited referral fees of $10 each.
d. Certain factors can disqualify you immediately, like
- Recent illness, recent tattoo or acupuncture treatment.
- Diseases affecting the blood or immune system and certain prescription drugs, as well as illegal drugs.
- One of my referral s was disqualified because of a heart attack and another for being 75 years old.
- They ask detailed questions about your sexual activities such as: “Have you had sex for money or drugs or sex with someone that has?” or “Have you had sex with a man who has had sex with a man in the last 100 :) years?”.
3- The process was surprisingly quite painless and worthwhile in spite of my personal needle phobias. The worst part for me is getting my finger stuck for a blood sample each time. I feel good about getting my weight, blood pressure, blood iron and lipids checked twice a week for free.
4- Here are a few Tips to make your adventure as enjoyable as possible:
- It’s important to drink plenty of fluids before and after your donation. The process of removing blood plasma can dehydrate you. Drinking fluids will prevent you from getting some of the symptoms associated with dehydration like headaches, dizziness, and nausea. While the symptoms are only temporary, they are uncomfortable none the less… so stay hydrated.
- Take a book, magazine, mp3 or DVD player, cell phone or your computer to make the time pass quickly. I’m now really proficient in one hand typing. In fact, I typed this while I was hooked up donating.
- If you get cold easily, make sure to take a blanket.
- Go to the bathroom before they hook you up.
- Don’t eat anything fatty the night before you donate or your lipids will be to high.
- Don’t drink anything cold ½ hour before donating or your temperature will be too low.
- Have a fun time interacting and building friendships with the staff and other donors... you don’t want someone that is depressed or angry sticking a needle in your arm.
I hope this article motivates you to start donating weekly for whatever reason.
BTW: Not only did I make it easily through my one month commitment, I have been donating regularly since March of 2008. I actually look forward the time as I always have plenty of work to do on the computer, seminars to listen too or calls to catch up on.
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Friday, January 30, 2009
The MLM Success Jungle
One day a lion, feeling pretty Kingly, walked deep into the jungle and coming across a python he asked: "Who's the boss around this place?" The python responded, "Why you are Mr. Lion, everyone knows that."
Feeling good he approached a gorilla and asked, "Who's the greatest around here?" The gorilla said, "You're the man, you rule this place Mr. Lion".
After asking many other animals the same type of questions and getting the same kind of responses, the lion eventually met up with an elephant. He boldly asked the elephant, "Who's the king of the jungle?" The elephant reached down with his trunk and grabbed the lion. Picking him up he proceeded to throw the lion a great distance into a big tree.
After several minutes, the lion bruised, broken and bleeding a bit, got up and stumbled over to the elephant, looked him directly in the eyes and said, "That's no way to act just because you don't know the right answer".
For years I ventured into the sales and business ownership jungle over and over and over again. The stories told and promises made were so exciting and enticing. I kept going in, confident that this time things would be different, only to end up eventually being thrown by an "elephant".
It didn't take long to realize I wanted to avoid elephants at all cost, but to no avail, they kept showing up.
Then one day someone said... "Hey, quit stressing out and start making friends with the elephants! What? Make friends with the beast that had been destroying my dreams?"
Well, what I'd been doing certainly wasn't working, so I hesitantly decided to give it a try, and almost overnight everything in my life started to dramatically change for the better.
For years I refused to see what experience was desperately trying to teach me. FACE your FEARS. All the rejection, ridicule, failure, bogus commitments, backorders, blue sky motivation, bounced bonus checks, marketing plan changes, personality clashes, scams of every variety, advertising losses, pirating of business, a new "better" deal, no support, no training.... the problems that I blamed for keeping me from success.
I now know that all those problems were created by my own beliefs. These elephants were created be me, for me.
As I started becoming friends with these "elephants", I witnessed my limiting beliefs being dispelled and beliefs that supported my dreams naturally took their place.
How I wish I'd befriended the elephants years earlier as by doing so my world transformed from one of desperation, chaos and financial ruin to one of possibilities, fulfillment and financial freedom.
Discover my favorite “befriending” tools at: http://www.AcceptAbundance.com
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
Feeling good he approached a gorilla and asked, "Who's the greatest around here?" The gorilla said, "You're the man, you rule this place Mr. Lion".
After asking many other animals the same type of questions and getting the same kind of responses, the lion eventually met up with an elephant. He boldly asked the elephant, "Who's the king of the jungle?" The elephant reached down with his trunk and grabbed the lion. Picking him up he proceeded to throw the lion a great distance into a big tree.
After several minutes, the lion bruised, broken and bleeding a bit, got up and stumbled over to the elephant, looked him directly in the eyes and said, "That's no way to act just because you don't know the right answer".
For years I ventured into the sales and business ownership jungle over and over and over again. The stories told and promises made were so exciting and enticing. I kept going in, confident that this time things would be different, only to end up eventually being thrown by an "elephant".
It didn't take long to realize I wanted to avoid elephants at all cost, but to no avail, they kept showing up.
Then one day someone said... "Hey, quit stressing out and start making friends with the elephants! What? Make friends with the beast that had been destroying my dreams?"
Well, what I'd been doing certainly wasn't working, so I hesitantly decided to give it a try, and almost overnight everything in my life started to dramatically change for the better.
For years I refused to see what experience was desperately trying to teach me. FACE your FEARS. All the rejection, ridicule, failure, bogus commitments, backorders, blue sky motivation, bounced bonus checks, marketing plan changes, personality clashes, scams of every variety, advertising losses, pirating of business, a new "better" deal, no support, no training.... the problems that I blamed for keeping me from success.
I now know that all those problems were created by my own beliefs. These elephants were created be me, for me.
As I started becoming friends with these "elephants", I witnessed my limiting beliefs being dispelled and beliefs that supported my dreams naturally took their place.
How I wish I'd befriended the elephants years earlier as by doing so my world transformed from one of desperation, chaos and financial ruin to one of possibilities, fulfillment and financial freedom.
Discover my favorite “befriending” tools at: http://www.AcceptAbundance.com
In his first dozen years in MLM or Network Marketing, Steve Stay experienced what most people would call "total failure" and give them every reason they needed to give up the dream. But that wasn't part of Steve's script as one fateful day a shift happened inside him and the way he experienced the MLM industry dramatically shifted as well. Within three months he was a top earner in the industry. Discover more about Steve's honest take on his 36+ year personal MLM journey at: http://stevestay.blogspot.com/2009/01/steve-stays-mlm-story.html
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